Including Dynamic Custom Fields

Including dynamic and custom fields inside forms

One of the most powerful features of Qik forms is that you can create other types of content from the users input at time of submission. A common example of this would be creating people profiles in your database for the user who submitted a form.

A really handy feature inside the form builder is the ability to quickly select existing fields and include them inside your form. Afterwards the data input in the form will magically create and update other records in your database (As long as the keys still match)

To use the feature

  • Add a content reference type field to your form

  • Select Nested Form as the input widget

  • Click Include additional (type) fields in the field edit panel

  • You will be presented with a list of all the fields defined on that type of content

  • Select the fields you wish to include and they will be appended magically into your nested form

  • You are free now to change and edit the labels and display of these fields, catering them to your context, but you should ensure that the field keys and pathing stays the same