Batch / Bulk Editing

Bulk / Batch Editing

There are often times where you will want to update multiple data items at once. Say for instance you have a selection of content that you want to add a tag to, or you want to bulk update a custom profile field for a subset of users.

For this, Qik provides a bulk/batch editing feature.

From the appropriate list page in the dashboard, select the records you want to edit and then select 'Bulk Edit' from the Action Sidebar. Here you will be presented with all of the fields that can be edited, select the fields you wish to edit by clicking the checkbox on the left hand side that field's input widget will then be displayed. Enter the details you want to update and press `Continue` in the top right hand corner of the modal window.

Editing Multiple Value / Array fields

Some fields may allow for multiple values to be stored, In this case a second option will be presented on the screen next to the field giving you the option to either:

  • Replace the existing data with your new selection
    Selecting this option will take the answers you select and completely replace any existing data on the records with your new selection. For example, if a customer currently has their allergy information selected as ['eggs', 'milk', 'sugar'] and in the edit panel you have selected ['eggs', 'honey', 'shellfish'] the updated profile will have it's value saves as ['eggs', 'honey', 'shellfish']

  • Add your selected values to existing data
    Selecting this option will take the answers you have selected and merge them into any existing values, taking the example above the end result would be ['eggs', 'milk', 'sugar', 'honey', 'shellfish']

  • Remove your selected values from existing data
    Selecting this option will take the answers you have selected and remove them from any existing values, taking the example above the end result would be ['milk', 'sugar']