Form Editor - Overview

Creating a form
Field Editor - Using the Field Tree
Using the field editor preview window

To create and manage forms, navigate to

Basic Form Details

Forms are created in the same way as you create any new content type, you define the fields, structure and behavior of the form and then users can create instances of those forms by submitting their input.

  • Title
    The singular name of these form submissions, eg. `Incident Report`, `Child Registration`, `Job Application`

  • Plural
    The plural name of these form submissions e.g. `Incident Reports`, `Child Registrations`, `Job Applications`

  • Database Key
    This is the required unique key used to identify and generate endpoints for these forms, it must be unique within your organisation. We recommend using the default key that is generated from the title at time of creation.

Field Editor

Here is where the magic happens, here you can define all of the fields and questions you want to ask the user, the field editor consists of 3 panels.

  • The 'field tree'
    Shows you a tree list of all the fields on your form, You can easily drag, drop, duplicate, add and remove fields and field groups within your form here. Clicking a field here will select it allowing you to edit it

  • The preview
    Shows you a realtime preview of what the form inputs will look like and how they behave (including dynamic expressions) so you can see what you're building and how the form works as you edit

  • The field edit panel
    Renders all of the different configuration options for a selected field so you can change how it works

Advanced tools

  • Expression editor
    Available when selecting a field, the expression editor allows you to add dynamic and conditional logic, useful for updating defaults, requirements, and visibility of a field based on the input of a user in other fields.

  • Data Model viewer
    Can be expanded to see exactly how the data model is structured as a user inputs data into the form


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